Quote of The Day, man!
This is the true portrayal of MALAYSIA BOLEH (Malaysia Can)
The title is pretty much self explanatory.
Coined by UMN0 Youth information chief Rizal M.N.M.
Well, i wouldn't say that my english proficiency level is top notched but i was indeed taught that Equity does in fact bear the meaning or fairness and justice...
Concise Oxford Dictionary:

eq·ui·ty [ek-wi-tee]
–noun, plural -ties.
the quality of being fair or impartial; fairness; impartiality: the equity of Solomon.
something that is fair and just.
Cambridge Dictionary

equity (noun) ( FAIRNESS )
•[U] formal when everyone is treated fairly and equally
a society based on equity and social justice
•[U] legal in English-speaking countries, a system of justice which allows a fair judgment of a case where the laws that already exist are not satisfactory
Well, every single dictionary i've looked at seems to indicate that equity is synonymous to fairness..
So this means that this Rizal fella is a master of the English language to be able to decipher the hidden meaning of this this English word and actually making it to show the opposing meaning of the word. What is his qualification again??
Oh ya, and relating equity with tom yam and milk...
YOU are truly a VISIONARY!
YOU are possesses such DEPTH!
YOU are indeed WISE!
Next time when u give a speech on a mass scale like that, please do learn some vocabularies from your elementary school teachers and actually KNOW the meaning beforehand prior to making it the key point in your speech and actually trying to convince people to accept your version of the term.
Its a depressing situation when one has to twist the meaning of words to get people to accept his version of the truth.
You my dear are nothing but a prejudicial spiteful HATER!
Stop promoting hate and racism while justifying it with a language OBVIOUSLY foreign to you and convincing the public with your own thought. Just stick with the one language you are good at, and do not pollute the mind of our youths with your corrupted English per se.
In other words, GO EFF YOURSELF, HATER!
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