Yo peeps, its been a while now since my last post...
Been really busy lates...
So the M'sia 2011 B*dget has came out..
The thing that caught my attention was the increment of service tax from 5% to 6%..
Now we have to pay more for inferior services!? WTF man...
its not like the quality of service is gonna change for the better... Stop sucking our money dry, will ya!
oh, and ASTR*'s gonna charge more in term of its service tax too... The good folks from this very broadcast service provide are charging more for their packages like almost every year where they include more rather shitty channels and remove some good ones (T^T Channel V!!). Now, we have to be taxed more... Is the Gov really trying to discorage us from watching tv so that we forever remain oblivious!?
Mobile phones are less 10% tax... ==
Is not like we'll be getting a new blackberry or iphone 4G now... It may seem a positive on paper.. but wat does it do for the ORDINARY people??
Plus will not increase charges for 5 years.. This is one of the good thing that came out from this draft... Let's just hope they dont increase exponentially after the 5 year price freezing period..
The home loan budget looks promising but...
its only for <3000MYR income families seeking to purchase <220kMYR house to get 100% full loan..
However, most decent houses now costs around 350k the least.. even apartments are 300k n up... So in reality, it really is not a thing to celebrate to..
and first time homeowner gets like 50% off stamp duty for their first purchase... weeeeee.. =.=
Now comes the part which trully left me scratching my scalp..
As proposed in the budget, MYR5 billion is gonna be allocated to build a 100 storey build next to the independent stadium... 5b of our taxpayer's money!!!!!
What's up with the obsession of our gov with super freakishly tall skyscrapers anyways? Even our double tower is not fully utilized.. Most of the office unit remains empty.. So the whole building serves as a decor rather than a full function building.. Its good and all to have a landmark for your country, but why do u have to build another useless building especially now during these hard times?
The money would do our nation more good if it was allocated to the education of the nation. Stop fucking up our youth's mind with racism and prejudice with sublimation or rather obvious teachings of supremacy and inferiority. Get foreign talents to boost up our youth's english standards. There's are cases where phD holders tat cant even speak decent english. Is tat wat u want our nation to be perceived as? a spendful nation tat cant even be competent in conversing in english!?

So, Dear MrN, stop burning holes in our pocket with all this extravagant spending. You wanna retain talents in our beautiful nation, stop thinking about fame n legacy n focus more on education!
P.S. Stop all this insane taxation!
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