Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Equity does not neccessary mean being fair..." Rizal, 20.10.2010

Quote of The Day, man!
This is the true portrayal of MALAYSIA BOLEH (Malaysia Can)

The title is pretty much self explanatory.
Coined by UMN0 Youth information chief Rizal M.N.M.

Well, i wouldn't say that my english proficiency level is top notched but i was indeed taught that Equity does in fact bear the meaning or fairness and justice...

Concise Oxford Dictionary:

eq·ui·ty [ek-wi-tee]

–noun, plural -ties.
the quality of being fair or impartial; fairness; impartiality: the equity of Solomon.
something that is fair and just.

Cambridge Dictionary

equity (noun) ( FAIRNESS )

•[U] formal when everyone is treated fairly and equally
a society based on equity and social justice
•[U] legal in English-speaking countries, a system of justice which allows a fair judgment of a case where the laws that already exist are not satisfactory

Well, every single dictionary i've looked at seems to indicate that equity is synonymous to fairness..
So this means that this Rizal fella is a master of the English language to be able to decipher the hidden meaning of this this English word and actually making it to show the opposing meaning of the word. What is his qualification again??

Oh ya, and relating equity with tom yam and milk...
YOU are truly a VISIONARY!
YOU are possesses such DEPTH!
YOU are indeed WISE!

Next time when u give a speech on a mass scale like that, please do learn some vocabularies from your elementary school teachers and actually KNOW the meaning beforehand prior to making it the key point in your speech and actually trying to convince people to accept your version of the term.
Its a depressing situation when one has to twist the meaning of words to get people to accept his version of the truth.
You my dear are nothing but a prejudicial spiteful HATER!
Stop promoting hate and racism while justifying it with a language OBVIOUSLY foreign to you and convincing the public with your own thought. Just stick with the one language you are good at, and do not pollute the mind of our youths with your corrupted English per se.
In other words, GO EFF YOURSELF, HATER!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Spend More, Earn Less

Yo peeps, its been a while now since my last post...
Been really busy lates...

So the M'sia 2011 B*dget has came out..
The thing that caught my attention was the increment of service tax from 5% to 6%..
Now we have to pay more for inferior services!? WTF man...
its not like the quality of service is gonna change for the better... Stop sucking our money dry, will ya!

oh, and ASTR*'s gonna charge more in term of its service tax too... The good folks from this very broadcast service provide are charging more for their packages like almost every year where they include more rather shitty channels and remove some good ones (T^T Channel V!!). Now, we have to be taxed more... Is the Gov really trying to discorage us from watching tv so that we forever remain oblivious!?

Mobile phones are less 10% tax... ==
Is not like we'll be getting a new blackberry or iphone 4G now... It may seem a positive on paper.. but wat does it do for the ORDINARY people??

Plus will not increase charges for 5 years.. This is one of the good thing that came out from this draft... Let's just hope they dont increase exponentially after the 5 year price freezing period..

The home loan budget looks promising but...
its only for <3000MYR income families seeking to purchase <220kMYR house to get 100% full loan..
However, most decent houses now costs around 350k the least.. even apartments are 300k n up... So in reality, it really is not a thing to celebrate to..
and first time homeowner gets like 50% off stamp duty for their first purchase... weeeeee.. =.=

Now comes the part which trully left me scratching my scalp..
As proposed in the budget, MYR5 billion is gonna be allocated to build a 100 storey build next to the independent stadium... 5b of our taxpayer's money!!!!!
What's up with the obsession of our gov with super freakishly tall skyscrapers anyways? Even our double tower is not fully utilized.. Most of the office unit remains empty.. So the whole building serves as a decor rather than a full function building.. Its good and all to have a landmark for your country, but why do u have to build another useless building especially now during these hard times?
The money would do our nation more good if it was allocated to the education of the nation. Stop fucking up our youth's mind with racism and prejudice with sublimation or rather obvious teachings of supremacy and inferiority. Get foreign talents to boost up our youth's english standards. There's are cases where phD holders tat cant even speak decent english. Is tat wat u want our nation to be perceived as? a spendful nation tat cant even be competent in conversing in english!?

So, Dear MrN, stop burning holes in our pocket with all this extravagant spending. You wanna retain talents in our beautiful nation, stop thinking about fame n legacy n focus more on education!
P.S. Stop all this insane taxation!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Day I was Denied Knowledge

Yo, peeps.. Wat up!?

Been ages since i posted shit...
Well today's an aggravating day for me..
This is what happen -

had morning class.
went to class on time.
She was late.
Changed venue.
She came.
10 mins late.

Started lecture.
Slide show nt hers.
Doesnt matter.
Skipped thru the slides.

I learned nth.
I understood nth.
Wat's going on?

Questioned her on somethin within the slide.

It's not important.
Not coming out for the exam.

Skipped thru more slide.
By-passed the more slides.
I understood nth.
Class done within 30mins.


come'on bitch! I pay a hefty amount to learn bout stuff and u tell me this is nt for the exam so u can jus by-pass that shit!?


and YOU are a valuable new member of the faculty!? I beg to differ..
U my dear need some major attitude adjustment and be de-programmed of ur LAZYASS-NESS...


I'm actually here to learn!
I'm nt jus here to get a cert so that i cud get a dead-end job and struggle to make ends meet, saving up to buy crappy car with a tiger-that-actually-looks-like-a-lion logo, and live in a shitty-few-storey-high flats with lousy lighting and home to junkies! FYI, im actually interested in that shit, that's y i enrol, u eff-ing dumbass!

Nuff said,
Ken out.
Peace, FOLKS...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Oprah....... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wassup peeps,
been a while now... Finally had a taste of hectic fully scheduled life... and i tell u, its no fun...

Was reading an article on a local newspaper dated today and found out that ASTRO, apparently are going to replace the well-beloved channel which housed Oprah and The Biggest Loser and such shows about FAT people with .......
DIVA channel- a so-called fashionable and yet personal channel... =.=
Like WTF is that... seriously....
First Channel V was remove without any notice...
(I've been staring into the darkness thats channel V for like 2 hours wondering where the fuck it went)
And now, they're TAKING AWAY OPRAH!!!! THE big O!!!!?? That's Absurd!!!
I mean, without Oprah, who are there to tell FAT and OVERWEIGHT ppl that they're BEAUTIFUL and shouldn't change themselves for anyone!!?

Ok, so in other unrelated bitchin', Paris'SLUTTY'Hilt*n is being sued for wearing the wrong extensions.
Apparently, Lil' miss itchy cunt wore fake locks from the rival company and totally pissed her sponsor off.. and they're oso sueing her skinny ass for nt attending the launch party cause she was crying her eyes out in JAIL!! Wat luck huh?

That's all the time i have...
Stay tune, peeps...
Ken Out.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Penat Tekan Pantat Teknologi Ni (PTPTN)

Hey ya'll

Jus got the BSN pin today n started to key in my details on the stupid ptptn website..
It's so fucked up, I've been so outta touch with the language of Malay tat i cant really understand wtf is on that website.. took me like 1.5 hrs to key in my deets.. and stil it is incomplete..
haven the fine brown folks of our beloved country (even though we're called 'PENUMP*NG')ever heard of the international language that is ENGLISH!?
WTF has everything be in MELAYU!! i took GCE A Levels for my Pre-U and when i have to enter my particulars in the Butiran Kelayakan AKA the qualification page, i had a hard time to choose the mathematics that i did.. U see, there're 3 types of mathematics on the list to choose from, one is Matematik T, then Matematik S and something called Matematik Lanjut... Matematik Lanjut is Further maths obviously.. but for those who didnt do STPM how the fuck are we to know which maths we're doing.. so i end up googling the subjects to see wat kind of maths it is...
Turns out Math T is Pure maths, which is the one i took.. seriously, Government websites guys should really learn some english.. i mean, how are u gonna interact with a dude from american who cant speak no malay??
Go and do some sign language indicating u speak no INGGERIS!??
Make it easier for us english speaking citizens won't 'cha!!

Chill Peeps,
Ken Out.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I aM yoU.........

Wat up peeps...

Officially started class after a week long of Nonparticipant of orientation week.. Was a freakishly LONGGGGGGG day today..
Class begins at 8am..
Class actually ends at 5.30pm but due to the senior-junior gathering thingy.. my hours in imu extended to an overhauling 9.00pm!! That's like 13hrs!!! reminds me of my working days, which was from 8am to 9 something pm!! Insane...

Pros of IMU: the minority of the gender being male makes for no queues to the washroom unlike the female's powder room which are jam packed and had freakishly long queues every single time after lectures...

Cons: Tho the auditorium 1 & 2 can be separated, the two however is being divided by MANUALLY MOVED sections of "walls" which are done by hand.. At first glance, the thought of an awesome push of a button brings up the barrier which separates the two auditoriums, but sadly, we're not living in that cool alternate version.... too bad~

LONGASS Day, time for a break..
Peace fellas,
Ken Out.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

up, Up, UP!!!!!

Prices of shit in Malaysia has gone UP yet again! YES! time for some inflation!!! Prices of petrol and refined sugar has increase yet again..

Petrol RON95 - MYR 1.85/L NOW!
Petrol RON97 - MYR 2.10/L NOW!
Diesel - MYR 1.75/L NOW!
Sugar - MYR 1.90/KG NOW!

and this is wat came out of the PM office to justify this situation:

"To meet these objectives, we have chosen to make adjustments to our subsidies. Even after these changes, the Government will still spend an estimated RM7.82 billion on fuel and sugar subsidies in 2010. The prices of fuel and sugar in Malaysia will still be among the lowest in the region,"

bla bla BLAH....

What Bull crap...
Malaysia has the MOST natural resources in the entire world and they're telling Malaysians that the country will go Bankrupt in 2019!??

They went on and on about the international price of petroleum is going up n to cope with it they are FORCED to increase the price of petrol, diesel and natural gas...
Malaysia is a country with Better grade petroleum, instead malaysia sells its higher quality stuff to other countries and in turn buys crappy shit from Arab or some middle eastern petroleum producing country.. and this shit earns a fuck lot and this cant cover the subsidy??

and RON97 now follows the international price, so called free float...
Malaysia pays fuckload on roadtaxes and now cant get subsidy for some decent petrol?(the RON95 crap is bad for the engine, jus FYI)
In the United States, there's no roadtax on diesel powered vehicles. and in malaysia, they get charged more for diesel powered cars! WTF crap is tat!!

if you ask me, cutting the subsidy is CANNOT solve anything..
To get to the root of the economy downfall of Malaysia, actions have to be taken upon the people who runs the country... First off deducted their usage of the nations money on unneeded shit.. WTF would Malaysia need submarine for!!??
and one particular dude from a Malay Only Political party caught my attention.
This character mohd Kh*r T*yo (I asterisked the name so tat the REAL name is not found in my blog when googled)spent MYR1.9 MILLION on a so-called learning trip! A Full expense paid first class luxury trip if u ask me...
Bringing his entire family is bad enough, this bitch has to bring his maid along for the fucking trip too!

In 20-24 April 2003, about RM 83K was spent on a Jakarta, Jogjakarta(Indonesia) trip.. Even the maid gets to fly FIRST CLASS!!

17-24 December 2004, RM900K was spent on a Morocco and Paris Trip.. must've bought a handful of LV's whilst they were there... i wonder if the maid gets her very own LV luggage bag... and this trip was to study ISLAMIC Architecture... Maybe this bitch thinks that the Eiffel Tower was built by Islam...

23 Dec - 1 Jan 2008, this prick went to Honolulu (Hawaii) and Orlando (Florida)
the total cost of the trip was about RM 800K.. This trip was to reportedly for a technical study on the Bagan Lalang theme park( which looks more like the palm island in Dubai now) and the bill on disneyland was included in the official bill claim as well..

Whem this dude was called for questioning for corruption by MACC, dude was let off with a few greetings and minor unrelated questions!!
and Te*h B.H. was throw off the building!

and guess wat? The whole extravagant luxury vacation was all from tax payer's money...

I'm gonna stop writing for now before the rage from writing bout the fairness of malaysian politics consume me from within..

Well, Til next time, peeps..
Ken Out.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A New Light

Peeps, finally back to bitch bout shit.. Well, i'm gonna be bitchin' bout some other shit instead of celebrities cus i've faced the sad fact that i can neva be as mean and sarcastic as michael K on dlisted and neva be as bitchy as celebitchy... Well, who cares....

I would like to bitch bout Malaysian politics but I'm 'fraid of the ISA kicking my ass n throwing me in da slammer for some bullshit allegations.. So the next best thing would be bitchin' bout my fucking nothing-ever-happens of a life...

As of this week, I'mma officially started university, International Medical University. (n i'm not doing medicine, in case u're wondering... I'm way too dumb for that shit) Orientation week is kinda a snore as i tend to dodge away from the lameass orientation games where u get humiliated for doing ridiculous shit out in public n usually get hit with water balloons with dyes or flour or wateva.. doesnt tat jus sound oh so interesting?? NOT!!

I would rather be tagged Antisocial as we call it in my old college days instead of getting my Zara outfit wet n unwearable in public ever again... Hence, the free time to actually bitch bout this crap...

'Nough bout the orientation.. Lemme tell u bout the university.. First off, we're expected to wear formal attires to university... Which i friggin hates, cus it feels like uniforms, ooo, high school all over again. and the friggin tie makes it even harder to breathe, literary... besides the suffocation, with the whole shirt n slack thing, i cant show off my hard work done in the gym for the months prior to coming here...

But, the university is kinda nice, with elevators and escalators and the lack of campus ground is awesome cus i don hav to walk so much!!! LOL..
This very university used to be make into a shopping well before the MAN from IMU bought the building n made it into a university.
and another thing that's awesome bout this very university is that it has iLectures which its like streaming of the lectures with audio n notes all together..
i wonder if i can skip the actual thing and jus do this iLecture stuff.. hmmm.. now there's a thought..

Well, enough bitchin' for now..
More bitchin' next time
Ciao~ peeps
Ken out....

Monday, May 3, 2010

Another Album from Paris!?

Yo peeps, word is that Paris is gonna release a new album with Linda Perry.. This is what she tweeted,

"Went and visited Linda Perry at her studio. She is so cool and her studio is incredible. I respect her so much as a producer, what a talent."

Linda Perry was notorious for her work such as Xtina's 'Beautiful' and Gwen Stefani's 'What You Waitin For'..

Seeing that autotune is all the rage right now.. Bet she's gonna strike while the iron's hot. Due to her HUGE success(in her own mind)with her debut 'Paris' with Hits like 'Stars Are Blind', Paris is rumoured to relaunch her Pop Star career.. (and make us watch her bitchside beachside soft-core porn in her half naked ass running in slow-mo..)

oooo... Cant wait.... =.=

Since originality is NOT the in thing in Hollywood right now, i'm betting she's gonna 'borrow' some other artists' song or change a few words and make 'Stars Are Deaf' or some shit like tat to get the required numbers for her NEW album...
Oh well, its stil a rumour anyways.. Keep speculating for more update on this..

and here's a pic to remind us of the Paris we all loved...


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Xtina Truly NOT herself Tonight!

Ok.. I jus watched the official music video of Christina's "Not Myself Tonight".
and lemme tell u.. The title is well... very suiting...
After watching that, it feels like a mix of Lady Gaga's bad romance random clip n Xtina's old dirty vid and Gwen Stefani's hairdo and lets not forget Britney's Toxic inspired air stewardess uniform..

Oh yeah, there's oso this one scene where she pour chocolate (or something else.. ewww) onto herself which reminds me alot of Shakira's La Tortura's Chocolate-covered body... or izit jus me??

and lets not forget the ring around the eye gesture.. feels like dejavu after jus watching gaga's video..

I love Christina n thinks that she's an awesome singer, but this video is so NOT her...
The overly exposed boob and dirty dancing feels like her but the gaga-britney-stefani lookalike scene is sooooooo not her... Think Xtina went to china n mastered the art of piracy... no offence CHINA..

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Box Office Hit, NOT!

Hey fellas, here's a quickie.

Jus saw this on E!
Guess who's topping the box office chart.
Apparently its "Motherhood" staring Uma Thurman!
Nah, jus talking crap here..
Actually Motherhood is on the opposite end.
During its opening nite in London, the box office only made like $130!!
Apparently, according to E! the movie jus sold 1 freaking ticket!!!!
Talking box office hits!

Til next time folks,
Ken out..


Yo peeps,
Discovered some funny shit this week.

I first came across this site days before the earth hour event and saw a post that caused quite a stir.
It was a post regarding malaysia's ONLY electrical supplier TNB sueing WWF.
This post was everywhere in facebook. And everyone joined in the fun and Started dropping shitloads of f-bomb comments on the post.
I was oso one of em.. Lol..
However, after getting back to source. And googling the incident.
I found that onli result for tnb sues wwf was on this
After close inspection n actually finished reading the post. I scroll back to the top and saw its slogan..

"the truth is out there(not in here)"
but there's more..
Right below that was subtitles.
"True lies, Total horsecrap, absolute fiction, so don't sue me, ain't got no money anyways"

Whoever came out this site is truly a genius. I salute to u sir.. Fuck yea.. Lol..

Cheers yo,
-Ken out..

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A New Beginning

Finally, has the time to actually start blogging...

Like the name suggest, this blog is bout everything.
From music reviews to movies and every entertainment news.

So, stay tune folks...
Ken out...